The Fund Raisers Association

The Fund Raisers Association (FRA) is a registered charity that was formed to raise extra funds for the children of St John's Primary School. We are a group of parents and teachers that give a bit of our time to organise different events. Some events we organise are purely for the children to enjoy such as the Easter Egg Hunt, Christmas Panto and Lunch, Year Six Leavers' Party and the End of Year Picnic. Others are to raise the funds to pay for the fun events and extra equipment that the children benefit from.
In the past we have funded the cost of items such as the canopy over Year R, the wooden furniture and play trail in the play ground, visualizers in the class rooms, re-vamping the secret garden, the table tennis tables and storage. Without the FRA raising extra funds the school could not afford such items or special days.  
It's all about the children which is why we are here doing what we do and we all work really hard to ensure that they have all these extras to enjoy. Everyone is welcome to join in any way you can.

The Fundraisers Association Team for 2023-2024

Chairperson – Kat Ealden - Child in Year 4, 2 and R

Co-Treasurer – Kirsty Cutler - Child in Year 4

Co-Treasurer - Cristiana Okojie - Child in Year 1

Co-Secretary – Gemma Aitchison - Child in Year 4 and 2

Co-Secretary  -  Cara McCulloch-Smith - Child in Year 4 and R

Supporting Committee Members

Clare Horsewill-Rose, Emily Bardell, Vanessa Smith, Gemma Smith,  Melissa Pryce-Jenkins, Rosie Mather, Lois Lowen, Natalie Munday and Luke Ealden.




We also have other parents who help in many ways, including setting up and clearing away events, running stalls, shopping, obtaining raffle prizes, attending meetings, printing, designing leaflets and generally sharing ideas.

Upcoming Events

Friday 3rd November

School Disco

Friday 1st December

Christmas Fayre

Thank you for your support with the Quiz, Bags to School and Break the Rules day.

The QR code for the FRA Facebook page